Friday, May 15, 2020

The Vietnam War A Brief Analysis - 1396 Words

Time does not heal all wounds, though it does impose fresh ones that require consideration. Still, even though the Cold War is over, there are many reasons why the history of the Vietnam War should remain fresh and the effort to grasp both the war and the antiwar opposition remain essential. The Vietnam War is, of course, an episode in military history. The episode’s setting is during the Cold War in Vietnam and the central theme of the episode was to pit capitalism and or democracy against communism. In light of this, the movement against the Vietnam War could be said as one of the greatest triumphs in democracy. The war’s purpose was to instill democracy, yet the war was waged with a lack of a constitutional warrant. In an authoritarian†¦show more content†¦The Vietnam War saw the highest proportion of blacks ever to serve in an American war. This is where many analysts including Scott Gartner and Gary Segura in their study titled, â€Å"Race, Casualties, a nd Opinion in the Vietnam War,† agree that the high minority draftees was a source of discontent amongst the African American community. Martin Luther King famously described the Vietnam conflict as racist and a â€Å"white man’s war, a black man’s fight.† King maintained that black youths represented a disproportionate share of early draftees and that African Americans faced a much greater chance of seeing combat. Based upon this information, an assumption could be made that the draft itself posed a major concern because of the overwhelming inequalities. Gartner and Segura noted that Selective Service regulations offered deferments for college attendance and a variety of essential civilian occupations that favored middle and upper-class whites. Therefore, the vast majority of draftees were poor, undereducated, and urban workers or unemployed. Not only did this anger the African American community, but the unfairness of the draft struck a chord with anot her minority, the women. In David Bender’s, The Vietnam War: Opposing Viewpoints, Bender discussesShow MoreRelatedVietnam War Outcome Influenced by the Media1510 Words   |  7 PagesTerm 3 Paper: The Media and Vietnam War The Vietnam War was a war of mass destruction, leaving Vietnam to become bitterly divided and claiming the many lives of Vietnamese civilians as well as American soldiers. Out of all the wars in American history, the Vietnam War was the first war to be broadly televised and covered by the media. It came to be known as the first â€Å"Television War†. 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