Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Victorian author Essay Example for Free

Victorian author Essay Victorian authors and painters give a good representation of what life must have been like for the people of that period. John Ritchie’s painting, â€Å"A Summer’s Day in Hyde Park†, for instance shows that, while people in the Victorian era might have been overly-dressed, they certainly were not without their fair share of amusement. In the bottom, right hand corner of the painting, a gentleman can be seen rowing a lady (perhaps his wife) and a young girl (perhaps his daughter), home in a boat. The entire family has come to the beach for an outing a site less often seen in modern days, where families (and especially elderly relatives) tend to be a bit sedentary. Meanwhile, in the background of the picture, A gentleman can be seen riding by in a carriage, tipping his hat to his neighbors as he passes. The writing of Victorian authors suggests that the fact that a man own’s a carriage means he has some wealth. In William Thackeray’s Vanity Fair, for instance, Becky Sharp comments that the â€Å"acquirement of that dignified deportment and carriage† is â€Å"requisite for every young lady of fashion. † (Thackaray, 2005, p. 1) In the left hand corner of the painting, an officer in a red coat can be seen resting wearily on the bench next to a lady who seems to be paying no attention to him at all. The lady next to her may be giving the officer some attention, but it is impossible to tell, because her face has no detail. It is merely a blotch of paint. Still, because her head is tilted upward, it seems reasonable to believe she might be speaking to the officer. Indeed, if there is any truth to how Victorian authors portray the importance of soldiers to young women, then the viewer can be fairly certain that she is attending to the officer. For in William Thackeray’s Vanity Fair, officers are some of the most ardent admirers of the main characters, Miss Sharp and Miss Amelia. Although there is much merriment depicted in Ritchie’s painting, there is something disturbing about the way he treats the subject of children. Many of them are in the painting, but only one seems to be looked after. Her grandparents, rather than her parents seem to be doing the watching. The reason for this can be seen in Victorian author Charlotte Bronte’s writing, which suggests that children in the Victorian era were sometimes looked upon as inferior to adults. In Jane Eyre, Bronte describes a situation in which Jane’s Aunt says to her the following: Jane, I dont like cavillers or questioners; besides, there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner. Be seated somewhere; and until you can speak pleasantly, remain silent. (Bronte, 2005, p. 1) It is no wonder, then, that Ritchie’s adults pay such little attention to their children. In conclusion, Victorian painters and authors show that the Victorian era was one of leisure for wealthy adults, but not, perhaps, the most nurturing environment for children. Works Cited Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. 2005. Classic Reader. 19 July 2007. http://www. classicreader. com/read. php/bookid. 31/sec. 1/ Thackaray, William. Vanity Fair. 2005. Classic Reader. 19 July 2007. http://www. classicreader. com/read. php/bookid. 91/sec. 2/kw. acquirement+of+that+dignified/

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