Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Relationship between the Consumers Need for Uniqueness and Essay

The Relationship between the Consumers Need for Uniqueness and Purchase Perception of Fast Fashion Co-Brands - Essay Example The paper tells that co-branding in fashion is the pairing of two of more branded products forming a separate and unique product. It facilitates parent brands to access to a broader consumer base as well as to form a new relationship with the clients. Fast fashion co-brands serve as a constructed idea and lifestyle which the consumers not only desire but also identify. People with a high need for uniqueness fell comfortable when they are different from others, as a result, engage mostly in changes towards dissimilarity related to others. They either counter to conform to creative choices, avoid similarity or like the unpopular. This is dependent upon consumers’ subjective judgment, quality and consumers need for the uniqueness of a product or service. Hypothesis developed to explain purchase perception include hypothesis 2; consumers having a higher need for uniqueness in fast fashion have higher favourable purchase perception of fast fashion co-brand, hypothesis 3; consumers having higher need for uniqueness on designer fashion brand have higher favourable purchase perception of fast fashion co-brands, hypothesis 4; consumers having higher need for uniqueness on fast fashion co-brand have higher favourable purchase perception of fast fashion co-brand. Empirical research methodology in form of survey questionnaires was used. A pilot survey was carried out to ensure that the survey questions and research instruments operate well. The authors also employed convenient sampling approach using a random survey procedure, week through. Need for the luxury design was higher than the need for uniqueness in fast fashion brands. Need for fast fashion came in between. Respondents’ need for uniqueness in first fashion co-brands had the largest impact on their purchase perception on fast fashion co-brands, followed by fast fashion brands and lastly, the need for uniqueness in luxury designer brands. Since fast fashion brands are easily and affordably possessed and are of comparatively low quality, consumers might feel they are less unique. Luxury designer fashion brands scored highest.

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